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Handling API Errors Gracefully in React Query

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    Shelton Ma

1. Define a Custom APIError

Create a custom error class to encapsulate additional information about API errors, such as the response object:

// src/lib/errors.ts
export class APIError extends Error {
  response: Response;

  constructor(message: string, response: Response) {
    this.response = response;

2. Use APIError in React Query

Integrate the APIError class in your useMutation or useQuery hooks for better error handling.

// src/features/conversation/api/use-send-message.tsx
import { APIError } from "@/lib/errors";

import { client } from "@/lib/hono";
import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { toast } from "sonner";

export const useSendMessage = () => {
  const mutation = useMutation({
    mutationFn: async (json) => {
      const response = await client.api.conversation.$post({ json });
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new APIError("Something went wrong", response);
      return await response.json();
    onError: (error: APIError | Error) => {
      if (error instanceof APIError && error?.response.status === 403) {
        toast.error("Free trial has expired");
      toast.error("Failed to send message");
  return mutation;

3. Handle Errors in Components

When using the custom hook in a component, handle errors gracefully in onError.

// src/app/(dashboard)/conversation/page.tsx
import { APIError } from "@/lib/errors";

const onSubmit = async (values: z.infer<typeof formSchema>) => {
    { message: values["prompt"] },
      onSuccess: (data: sendMessageResponseType) => {
      onError: (error: Error | APIError) => {
        if (error instanceof APIError && error?.response.status === 403) {
          // Open ProModal

By combining React Query’s powerful error handling capabilities with a custom error class, you can streamline error management in your Next.js applications.