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将 Next.js 应用部署到 Vercel

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    Shelton Ma

1. 部署前准备


  1. pnpm run lint 修复错误

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
  2. prisma配置

    // 问题: Prisma has detected that this project was built on Vercel, which caches dependencies. This leads to an outdated Prisma Client because Prisma's auto-generation isn't triggered. To fix this, make sure to run the `prisma generate` command during the build process.
    // package.json
    "scripts": {
      "postinstall": "prisma generate",
      "dev": "next dev",
      "build": "next build",
      "start": "next start",
      "lint": "next lint"

2. vercel部署

  1. 登录到 Vercel, 导入 GitHub 项目
  2. 在 Vercel 上配置环境变量,尤其是 OAuth(GitHub/Google)等需要使用部署后的域名。确保将所有必要的 API 密钥和环境变量添加到 Vercel 项目的设置中。
  3. 部署项目
  4. 域名添加

3. 在域名托管网站添加子域名

  1. 登录到你的域名托管网站。
  2. 在 DNS 配置中添加或编辑资源记录,选择 CNAME 类型,并将目标值设置为:Add/Edit a Resource Record >> netflix/CNAME/